Monday, 19 September 2011

Bermondsey Street Festival 2011 - Fashion Show

At 1pm on Saturday 24th Sep, the Fashion & Textile Museum Fashion Show in the Park brings an exclusive preview of work from Zandra Rhodes, Susie Stone and emerging designers from Newham College. This is part of the Bermondsey Street Festival

Friday, 16 September 2011

Wall to Wall - Deptford X

I am taking part in Wall to Wall which is a collaborative exhibition for studios at the Art Hub. This takes place 24th September to 2nd October at the Art Hub Gallery at the Deptford site on Creekside. Opening times are Sat/Sun 24th/25th/1st/2nd 12-6pm. The exhibition launches the new gallery but is also part of the Deptford X Festival. The programme looks huge so will definitely be found wandering around Deptford the last week of September!

Art Hub Gallery, 5-9 Creekside, Deptford, London SE8 4SA

Friday, 2 September 2011

Thames Revival - Thames Festival 2011

Vintage Revival at the Thames Festival 2011

I'm taking part in the Thames Revival part of the Thames festival.

Artsmart at Thames pop-up market
Thames Festival 2011 
St Katherine Docks 
50 St. Katharines Way
London E1W 1LA

Saturday and Sunday 10/11 September 2011

There will be 'retro style and glamour' fashion shows at 2pm each day.  There will also be a beer tent and bands and various vintage themed events.  There will also be lots and lots of boats! I've just got back from St Ives and I can never see too many boats.

Thames Revival is from 12pm to 10pm, the market is from 12pm to 6pm.

Entry is free so if you fancy it please drop by.

This is part of the Artsmart pop-up market