Big bags and small bags.
Short bags and tall bags.
Bags of every size and shape.
Made of fabric softly draped.
Some of leather, new and old.
Shiny, polished, good to hold.
Bags to carry on bus or train.
Bags built to carry extra strains.
Cases for clothes and underwear.
Cases for picnics we love to share.
Some open out flat as a sheet.
Some fold down, nice and neat.
A giant purse takes centre stage
Try your hand at decoupage,
Or leather strips for you to weave
Items here you won’t believe
Giant purse
What do you put in a giant purse?
Some pennies to pay for a journey home,
Or a lovely dinner for when you get back?
Make up to enhance a lovely face?
A lacy hanky to stop a sneeze?
There’s lots and lots of room in there.