Thursday, 27 December 2012

Alice in Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland at Goldsmiths: Siân Downes
Hope you had a lovely break, I shall miss our Christmas tree at work this year, in the library at Goldsmiths College...which also randomly featured in the Guardian. The decorations comprise of the recycling of an old Alice in Wonderland book that had seen better days and messages from the students.

Picture taken by Siân Downes

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Happy Christmas

Hello, hope you have a lovely Christmas break...


I'm doing a very last minute market at the weekend on Sunday in the lively area of Shoreditch at the Rich Mix, it will be inside in the warm and dry and lots of goodies!

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Wools for woolies

The Vauxhall City Farm will be selling wools which have been dyed naturally and spun at the farm on Saturday 8th December 11am - 4pm. I've been reliably informed that there will also be mulled cider and mince pies (I'm not a knitter, no patience, but I know lots of people are so do head there if you are as the prices will be very reasonable too)!
Jerry and Hazel (copyright Vauxhall City Farm)

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Christmas time

Pop down if you can!

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Ranbu - Japan

Purses in Ranbu
I'm delighted to be stocking in Ranbu again in Osaka, Japan. I really like their style, and how I wish I had the fare to go and visit myself! They also have a blog.

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Betty's Revenge Bag

'Betty's Revenge' bag modelled by Sarah Longman
I love this picture of Sarah modelling the 'Betty's Revenge' bag, she looks stunning (for sizing the bag fits an A4 folder).

Monday, 6 August 2012

World Mosquito Day 2012 - 'Cocktail Hour in the Human Library'

Gilded Vector of Malaria - on outside of building of LSHTM

Not quite the invitation I was expecting but I will be participating in a 'Human Library' event as a Textile book - as part of World Mosquito Day 2012 at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. I will be 'borrowed' and then discuss three 'chapters' on my bag making and designing! Details below if you fancy attending the event (with cocktail)...

Date: Thursday 16 August 2012
Time: 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm 
Venue: Library, LSHTM, Keppel Street, London, WC1E 7HT, UK
This year to celebrate World Malaria Day 2012, The Malaria Centre at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, will host a human library where experts from the Malaria Centre are 'on loan' instead of books. Guests will be able to 'borrow' up to 5 human books and will circulate around the library to the sounds of our in house 1930's band.

A complimentary cocktail and south-Indian canapes will be included in the price.
Entertainment will be provided by musician Emily O'Hara and singer, Patricia Hammond, 'the Canadian nightingale'.

Mosquito Day honours August 20th 1897 when Sir Ronald Ross made the discovery that malaria is transmitted by mosquitos and is inspired by the tea party held in his honour at the Ross Institute on 20th August 1931 - in this spirit, there will be a 1930's/tropical theme to the event as well as celebrating the contemporary work of malaria centre members across the world.
Register and buy tickets online at
Admission: Registration required

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Riverside Summer Fair, Southwark Arts Forum at Hays Galleria

Hays Galleria (picture by Stephen Way)
I'm delighted to have been invited to take part in this summer fair on Saturday 28th July, the opening weekend of the Olympics. It will be in the Hays Galleria, between London Bridge and Tower Bridge from 12-5pm. The Riverside Summer Fair is a daytime festival, featuring creative talent from South London. It will have artists selling a varied selection of art and craft, as well as feature great local food traders, live musicians and performances throughout the day. The event has been created by the Southwark Arts Forum.

Bridget Edwards, Southwark Arts Forum Director says:
“It’s a great chance for the general public to experience the arts, to engage with artists, musicians, and see art outside of the context of a gallery.”

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Textile Forum

I attended the Textile Forum 2012 where I'm quoted drooling over some beautiful leathers by Fibre2Fashion and Lingerie buyer. I usually use recycled leathers with my prints but was drawn to some of the unusual colours and perforations. The next show will be in October and is well worth a visit.

Zara Femme

Am delighted with my design on the perfume bottle. I had wondered how a floor print design would transfer but I am very pleased with the result! Thanks to PysiaPatrysia for writing about it and producing some great images of it. 

Thursday, 8 March 2012


Art Hub at Creekside
2012 has gone off to a great start for Betty's Revenge hence the cyber silence. I've moved my studio to Creekside in Deptford so I'm now truly surrounded by fellow artists and designers. I've also started working with the Constance Howard Textiles Collection and the Women's Art Library Board at Goldsmiths University down the road.

In addition I've started freelancing for Zara, watch this space for my designs in the shops! More plans and events are also afoot...

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Prints on hard surfaces

Can't believe it's late January but am so enjoying the mildness and sunshine! I am very pleased to report that Betty's Revenge has been picked out by the global forecasting site WGSN on its homebuildlife blog.

This screen print design was based on a combination of 50s and Islamic art and printed onto wooden flooring.

Screen printed wooden flooring