Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Artsmart the festival

Here are a few pics of the Betty's Revenge stall at Artsmart.  So lovely to be outside after hours being inside designing and sewing!  The weather was great and all the stewards and stall holders were helpful, friendly and relaxed.  Due to the weather, several friends visiting/helping out, food and drink stalls and music it felt more like a festival than working...

While there I managed to get a one to one chat with Paula Reed, Style Director at Grazia Magazine.  She thought my bags and purses were on trend and stylish!!  She particularly liked the Sketchy bag and the new 50s Sears range of purses (images coming soon).

The stall

Purse collection

Bag from new range - recycled leather with printed panel

Bright sunshine

A few recycled bags

With a couple of sketchbooks

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